Swearer Center for Public Service

Royce Graduate Student Research Awards

Graduate students currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral degree program at Brown can apply for a Royce Graduate Student Research Award.

The Royce Graduate Student Research Award comes with a stipend of up to $5,000 through the Swearer Center. These awards support expenses related to community-engaged research and the creation of a product, analysis or other outcome that will be shared with a community partner and/or disseminated to broader public audiences. 

Applying for a Research Award

Applications for Fall awards open in July, and Spring awards open in September. Please check UFunds for application and award information.

Royce Graduate Award Recipients

Raquel Douglas, Sociology

Nabila Islam, Sociology 

Allyson LaForge, American Studies

Mairéad Smith, Anthropology

Sydney Giacalone, Anthropology

Michael Thompson, Public Health

