Swearer Center for Public Service

Partnership Pathways

The Swearer Center facilitates connections to resources and programs within our center and across the institution.

This may include direct service, capacity building, engaged teaching and research, networking and technical assistance for community organizations. Learn how and see examples of past and current partnerships and collaborations.

How do we do this?

How: Use the Community Partnership Interest Form or reach out to meet with us to tell us about an opportunity that your community organization wishes to partner on. This might be a project, event, internship or an idea in its very early stages.

Data and Evaluation Partnerships

In 2023, Brown launched the Community-Engaged Data & Evaluation Collaborative (CEDEC). CEDEC was born out of community partner interest. When meeting with Swearer Center staff, local community partners shared that they wished to build capacity related to data management and assessment and evaluation. Many community partner organizations already collect data and recognize the importance of evaluating their programs and long-term impact; however, they often lack staff time or technical capacity to maximize their use of data. Undertaking data and evaluation projects with community partners can advance those partners’ goals while providing Brown students with meaningful, real-world learning experiences, making collaboration mutually beneficial.

If you are interested in getting support for a data or evaluation project? We encourage you either to fill out the Community Partnership Interest Form or to email cedec@brown.edu to schedule a time to talk. Based on your goals, project idea and timeline, we can help determine which CEDEC resource(s) might be best able to work with you.

Example: See how Brown University's Data Science Institute supports data analysis and data visualization projects with Connect For Health, a social support and community outreach program.

How: Through BrownEngage (our volunteer recruitment and management platform), we can support you in publicizing your summer, semester or academic year volunteer and internship opportunities to students.

Example: The Brown-Providence Original Photography (B-POP) student group provides volunteer photography services to local organizations to engage with and support the broader community. See photographs from their latest collaboration with the West End Community Center.

How: Engage with other local community organizations, faculty, researchers and community members through the Swearer Center’s Community Partner Network (CPN).

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for updates on community partners network activities and convenings.

How: The Swearer Center connects community partners to compensated opportunities to share knowledge with students, staff, faculty and community stakeholders. Community partners lead walking tours, deliver workshops, serve as guest speakers in community-engaged courses, etc.